God bless guys! My name is Stephen and I am a redeemed child of God, not because anything I have done or anything that I am but because He is everything and has given me new life in Him! Our God has and continues to be so gracious and merciful to me. I was an addict for many years before the Lord saved me and set me free. He saved me from a lifetime of drugs, alcohol, and bad decisions. I was incapable of freeing myself from the grips of my sins and addictions. They had me, they owned me, they weren’t letting go and they were destroying me one day at a time. I had no hope until hope Himself came and set me free. I found myself in jail on drug charges, alone, desperate and needing something else. Some kind of help or some kind of answer to all my problems. My mom had often encouraged me in the Lord but I was hard headed and was going to do it my way but once I found myself in jail I decided to give it a shot. Little did I know that this turn of events was of the Lord. He was using my bad decisions to set the stage for His redemption plan. I had no idea that I would find my freedom being in the place most people would consider hell on earth. But let me tell you my friends when the Lord sets you free you are free indeed and even the worst of places looks a whole lot brighter because He is with you. So Christ set me free in that jail and He hasn’t let go nor ever left me alone. He broke the chains of addiction and drew me to Himself and I felt like He said you ain’t seen nothing yet! I couldn’t imagine how amazing this life in Him would be that day but let me tell you it is the greatest life anyone could live and it’s all because of Him. I fall daily, I act out of my flesh and sin yet He never stops extending and lavishing me with His love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. I am now several years clean and married to a beautiful gift God has given me. God is and always will be my number one love but after Him is my wife Bethany. She is beautiful, kind, compassionate, has a servants heart, fears the Lord, serves the Lord with me, prays with me and for me and she puts up with me! I just want to encourage anyone reading this that God is not done with you yet. My life by the worlds standards was beyond repair and too far gone. But God! He saved me, He set me free and He continues to lead me daily and He will do it for you too! He is the Great I Am, the unchanging and unwavering God Almighty, and He is the One who came and paid it all for you and I! Surrender each day to Him and watch Him move the mountains you thought would loom over you forever! All praise, glory and honor to Papa God, Jesus Christ our King and the Holy Spirit!

The idea for Sharing What He Showed Me was one the Lord gave me many months ago. I didn’t exactly know what it was going to look like or how it would grow but was grateful and thankful that He would let me share the things that He was showing me. It humbles me greatly the way He leads and teaches me. He is so gracious, patient and merciful to me. He leads me by the hand through His Scriptures and I am so very grateful. I love the Lord deeply and cling to His word each day. He uses His word to help me, lead me, encourage me, grow me, correct me and so much more. I encourage you to read and look up each Scripture I use and talk it over with the Lord. His word is so powerful and is perfect in every way. I love being able to share His word with you guys and hope that He uses it for His glory and to grow each one of us. He is faithful to a Scripture I love is in Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

I encourage you to call to Him today and ask Him those great things about His word, Himself and His plan for your life! God bless guys and looking forward to sharing what He showed me with each of you!